Holistic Health
An array of modalities and techniques that identify and treat areas of the mind and body to aid in your health and wellness journey.

When you understand the root cause of your illness, you can create the ideal environment for your body to heal itself. Wherever you are on your health journey, I can offer the tools, education and support to curate your unique path to wellness.
I have almost 20 years of medical experience. From being a combat medic in the Army, to a nurse in a busy city emergency department, taking care of others is in my DNA. After studying holistic medicine and rewiring my perspective on medicine, I’ve been able to overcome my own health challenges, as well as my son’s. With my knowledge and passion for practical and holistic medicine, together we can gain insight into questions about your personal health. Through testing, personalized plans, coaching and education, our collaborative effort will restore your body to wellness and help you live free of a restrictive health diagnosis, or a lifetime of prescription medication.
Treatments range from personalized nutrition, detoxification methods, and more. The services I provide are tailored to the unique needs of every individual to ensure we treat the underlying cause of your health challenges, and empower you to achieve your wellness goals.
Join me for a 90 minute consultation to start feeling healthier, happier, and more in charge of your body and mind!
Treatment that uses essential oils to aid the body in times of physical and emotional stress. Restores balance utilizing the gifts of nature.
Bach Flower Remedies
An odorless, tasteless tincture, tailor-made from different flowers that possess specific frequencies, to restore emotional balance and energy fields, and fosters an environment for your body to physically heal.
Price Menu
Initial Consultation 90 minutes | $200 per individual
Follow-Up 60 minutes | $100 per individual
Discounted Family Plan can be purchased after initial consultation for multiple follow ups for individuals or combined family members.
6 visits $525
12 visits $1,075
A technique that examines the eye's iris to reveal inherent strengths or deficiencies in organs, tissues, or glands.
ZYTO Scanner
Simple and painless device to perform biocommunication of the human body. Scans all body parts and organ systems for heavy metals, bacteria, parasites, viruses, chemicals, food sensitivies and allergens.